
Journal ArticlesBooksChapters in BooksConference ProceedingsResearch ProjectConference Presentation

●Conference Proceedings:

  1. Cheng, M. H., Li, C. C., & Chen, J. H. S. (2023). A support system of National Arts Curriculum and Instruction Consulting Team for arts teachers on facing the challenge of COVID-19. In Y. Y. Lin (Ed.), XXXXXX (pp.163-181).
  2. Chen, J. H. S. (2023, March 1st to 3rd). Sustainability of Musical Culture in Compulsive Education in Taiwan. In Goncalves, C. (Ed.), Book of Abstracts of the World Summit of Arts Education- “Heritage & Sustainability: Sustaining Islands of Culture and Arts Education” (pp. 33-34). ISBN: 978-972-9010-55-2
  3. Chen, H. S. (2019, Oct. 28th to Nov. 1st). Integrated Arts Education Model in the elementary curriculum. The 9th International WAAE Conference, Frankfurt, Germany. https://waae-conference.jimdofree.com
  4. Cheng, M. H., Li, C. C., & Chen, H. S. (2017). Competence-Oriented Preservice Teacher’s Benchmarks and Structure for Specialized Curriculum at the Secondary level Arts Education in 12-year Basic Education. Hung, Y. S. (Ed.), Proceedings of The 36th Curriculum and Teaching Symposium (p.241-263). Taipei: National Education Academy. ISBN: 978-986-05-4893-8  GPN: 1010602638
  5. Chen, H. S. (2016). A study on character education embedded integrated music project. In Korean Arts Education Association (Ed.), Proceedings of 2016 the World Conference on Arts Education Week of UNESECO (pp. 1-10).
  6. Chen, H. S. (2016). Implementing character education through integrated activities in a general education music course. In Seoul National University of Education (Ed.), Proceedings of International conference on Integrated Approaches to Creativity and Character Education (pp. 133-139).
  7. Chen, H. S. (2015). Kodaly inspired music education: Current issues in Taiwan. In Hongky Cho (ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Kodaly A Cappella Festival and Seminar (pp. 19-29), Korea: Korean Kodaly Society. ISBN: 978-89-94924-09-0-93670
  8. Chen, H. S., & Chiu, S. C. (2014). Profiles of older adults in musical activity participation and quality of life. In Belgrave, M. (Ed)., Proceedings of the 20th International Seminar of the ISME Commission on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy and Music Medicine (pp. 63-75). Australia: ISME. ISBN: 978-0-9942055-3-7.
  9. Chen, H. S., & Chiu, S. C. (2014). Profiles of older adults in musical activity participation and quality of life. In Belgrave, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 20th International Seminar of the ISME Commission on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy and Music Medicine (pp. 63-75). Australia: ISME. ISBN: 978-0-9942055-3-7.
  10. Chen, H. S., Hung, J. C., & Yu, H. P. (2013, March). Development of musical aptitude test for high school Special Music Program screening in Taiwan: A preliminary report. In S. Morrison (Chair), Twentieth International Symposium for Research in Music Behavior. Symposium conducted at the meeting of University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.
  11. Chen, H. S., & Liang, I. Y. (2012). Participation in musical activities and quality of life for elders in Taiwan. Proceedings of the 19th International Seminar of the Commission on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy, and Music Medicine. (Ed.). Lyn E. Schraer-Joiner, ISBN: 9780987351166 (ebook), (Nedlands, W.A.: International Society for Music Education), 2012.
  12. Moore, R. S., Chen, H. S., & Feng, X. Q. (2010). Investigating song acquisition by 6-7-year-olds in China, Taiwan, and the United States. Conference Proceeding of 2010 ISME Research Commission Seminar in Changchun, July 25 to 30, China.
  13. Hsieh, W. Y., & Chen, H. S. (2010). A case study of Music therapy for verbal reaction of a child with Selective Mutism. In Schraer-Joiner, L. E. (Ed)., Proceedings of the 18th International Seminar of the ISME Commission on Music in Special Education, Music Therapy and Music Medicine (pp. 32-38). Australia: ISME. ISBN: 9780980631043 (pdf)
  14. Chen, H. S. (2009). Kodaly Branch No. 7. In Conference proceeding of 2009 Music Teaching Symposium (pp. 130-139). Taipei: Music Educators Association of Taiwan.
  15. Chen, H. S. (2009). Scientific Fluoroscopy in Music-Analysis of Research for Music Education in Theses. In Conference proceeding of 2009 International Conference of Music Education (pp. 97-112). Taipei: Taipei Municipal University of Education.
  16. Chen, H. S. (2009). Main Effect or Side Effect? Teaching Musicianship and Culture-Awareness through Multicultural Music in a Kodaly-Setting Kindergarten. Conference Proceeding of “Music, a common language in multicultural education—Music teaching and learning with Kodaly,” October 24, Seoul, Korea.
  17. Chen, H. S. (2009). A Study of Accuracy in Echo Singing A Foreign Song. Conference Proceeding of 18th International Symposium of Music Behavior and Music Therapy in St. Augustine, Florida, April 2nd to 4th, USA.
  18. Moore, R. S., Chen, H. S., & Feng, X. Q. (2008). Investigation of new song acquisition by 6-year-olds in China, Taiwan, and the United States. Conference proceeding of 2008 ISME Research Commission Seminar in Porto, Portugal.
  19. Chen, H. S., & Yao, Y. C. (2008). Language in Music Creativity with Kodaly. Conference proceeding of 2008 International Kodaly Seminar (Asia Region) in Hanoi, Vietnam.
  20. Chen, H. S. & Yao, Y. C. (2007). Multicultural Singing Games in Taiwan. Conference Proceeding of 2007 Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research in Bangkok, Thailand.
  21. Chen, H. S. (2007). Fostering creativity through music education. In Conference proceeding of 2007 International Conference of Invention, Creativity, and Business (pp. 86-94). Taichung: Asia University.
  22. Chen, H. S. (2007). Kodaly Approach in Elementary School in Taiwan-- Analysis of Master Theses. Conference proceeding of 2007 International Conference of Music Education. Taichung: National Taichung University of Education.
  23. Moore, R. S., Chen, H. S., & Chase, S. (2006). Accuracy of Pitch and Intervals when Echo Singing with Hand Movements and Reading Notation by Eight- and Ten-Year-Olds from Taiwan, UK, and USA. Conference Proceeding of 2006 ISME Research Commission Seminar, Bali Island, Indonesia.
  24. Chen, H. S. (2006). Inner hearing training through Kodaly. In H. F. Chen (Ed.), Theory and Practice of Music Teaching Methods Conference Proceeding (pp. 65-72). Taipei: Department of Music, National Taiwan Normal University.
  25. Chen, H. S. (2005). A Comparison of Attitudes of Students and Parents from After School Music Clubs and the Special Music Program. This paper is accepted for both paper presentation and poster session in the 5th Asia Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research in Seattle, WA, USA, July 14-16, 2005.
  26. Moore, R. S., Chen, H. S., & Chase, S. (2006). Accuracy of Pitch and Intervals when Echo Singing with Hand Movements and Reading Notation by Eight- and Ten-Year-Olds from Taiwan, UK, and USA. Conference Proceeding of 2006 ISME Research Commission Seminar, Bali Island, Indonesia.
  27. Moore, R. S. & Chen, H. S. (2003). Accuracy of Pitch and Intervals in Echo Singing and Xylophone Playing when Comparing Performances by 8 and 10-Year-Olds from England, Taiwan, and USA. Invited presentation at the 15th International Symposium for Research in Music Behavior in Chicago, April 10-12, 2003.


Journal ArticlesBooksChapters in BooksConference ProceedingsResearch ProjectConference Presentation