Issues of Movable-Do and Fixed-do Systems at Grade Schools in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan: Inevitable Commonalities as Far Eastern Countries. This proposal is accepted for panel discussion in the 24th International Kodaly Symposium 2019, Kuching, Malaysia. Hsiao-Shien Chen is panelist as Hong Ky Cho (Korea), and Panel Chair is Masafumi Ogawa (Japan).
Music Story and Games of Taiwan Aborigines. This proposal is accepted for workshop in the 24th International Kodaly Symposium 2019, Kuching, Malaysia. Co-presenters are Hui-Ju Kuo and Shu-Chun Chen.
Understanding Chinese Phonology through Singing Games. This proposal is accepted for workshop in the 24th International Kodaly Symposium 2019, Kuching, Malaysia. Co-presenter is Yu-Chuan Yao.
Issues of Movable-Do and Fixed-Do Systems at Grade Schools in Japan, Korea,China, and Taiwan: Inevitable Commonalities as Far Eastern Countries. This proposal is accepted for panel discussion in APSMER 2019, Macao. Hsiao-Shien Chen is panelist as Hong Ky Cho (Korea), Xuerong Cui (China), and Panel Chair is Masafumi Ogawa (Japan).
A Project of University Social Responsibility: English Taught Music Program for Collegians and Disadvantaged Children. This proposal is accepted for paper presentation in ISME Commission Seminar for Music in Special Education and Music Therapy 2018, Salzburg, Austria.
A Study on Character Education Embedded Integrated Music Project. This proposal is accepted for paper presentation in APSMER 2017, Malaysia.
Sing and Play: Aboriginal SaiSiat Songs in Taiwan. This proposal is accepted for workshop presentation in APSMER 2015, Hong Kong.
Music experiences of older adults in Taiwan and their quality of life. This proposal is accepted for paper presentation in APSMER 2013, Singapore.
A study of career development and decision making factors for students from special music programs in senior high schools. This proposal is accepted for paper presentation in APSMER 2013, Singapore. Co-author with I-Yun Liang.
Friend or foe? Movable do system to Asian countries music education. This proposal is accepted for panel discussion in APSMER 2013, Singapore. Hsiao-Shien Chen is panelist as Hong Ky Cho (Korea), Dennis Wang (Macau/China), and Panel Chair is Cheng Fung Ching (Taiwan).
Roles of Choral Education in Asia—Cases from China, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan. This proposal is accepted for panel presentation in APSMER 2011, Taipei, Taiwan. Hsiao-Shien Chen is the Chair of panel, members include Xiang-Qing FENG (Central Conservatory of Music and the Children and Young Women’s Chorus of the China National Symphony Orchestra, CHINA), Hongky CHO (President, Korean Kodály Society, KOREA), Toh Chai GOH (Professor, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, SINGAPORE), Ernst LIM (Professor, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, SINGAPORE), Wei-Chun WANG (Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, TAIWAN), and Yu-Chuan YAO (Lecture, Ming-Hsin University of Technology and Science, TAIWAN).
Education for Musically Talented and Gifted Students in the World-Cases from China, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and the United States. This proposal is accepted for panel presentation in APSMER 2009, Shanghai, China. Hsiao-Shien Chen is the Chair of panel, members include Shun-Wen WU (Associate Professor, National Normal University, TAIWAN), Xiang-Qing FENG (Central Conservatory of Music and the Children and Young Women’s Chorus of the China National Symphony Orchestra, CHINA), Randall S. MOORE (Emeritus Professor, University of Oregon, USA), Su-Sun WONG (President of Voice Association Singapore/Adjudicator for Singapore Youth Festival Choir Central Judging, SINGAPORE), Hongky CHO (President, Korean Kodály Society, KOREA).
Analysis of Music Teaching Materials in Kindergartens in Taiwan. This proposal is accepted for paper presentation in APSMER 2009, Shanghai, China.
Learning Taiwanese through Songs for Mandarin Speaking Young Children. This proposal is accepted for paper presentation in APSMER 2009, Shanghai, China. Co-author with Yu-Chuan Yao.
A Study of Concert Participation of College Non-Music Majors. This proposal is accepted for paper presentation in APSMER 2009, Shanghai, China. Co-author with I-Ching Chen.
A Case Study of Application of Musical Teaching Strategy in First-Grade Classroom Management. This proposal is accepted for poster presentation in APSMER 2009, Shanghai, China. Co-author with Pei-Chun Chung.
The Effect of Orff Music Therapy for Children with Severe Cerebral Palsy. This proposal is accepted for poster presentation in APSMER 2009, Shanghai, China. Co-author with Shin-Tze Chun.
Investigation of new song acquisition by 6 year-olds in China, Taiwan, and the United States. This paper is accepted for paper presentation in both Research Commission and ISME World congress 2008 in Bologna, Italy. Co-author of Randall Moore and Xiang-Qing Feng.
A comparison of sight-singing accuracy by using Fixed-do and Movable-do system. This paper is accepted for paper presentation in the Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research in Bangkok, Thailand, July 25-27, 2007. Co-author of Hui-Wen Lee.
A Study of Percussion Curriculum Development in a Kindergarten. This paper is accepted for poster presentation in the Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research in Bangkok, Thailand, July 25-27, 2007. Co-author of Kung-Tzu Lin.
Fulao Singing Games in Taiwan. This paper is accepted for workshop presentation in the International Kodaly Society Symposium in Columbus, Ohio, August 3-10, 2007. Co-author of Kuo-Chien Tseng.
The Research of the Singing Outcomes in the 2nd Grade Music Classes Applied the Kodaly Method. This paper is accepted for paper presentation in the Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research in Bangkok, Thailand, July 25-27, 2007. Co-author of Lan-Chu Chuang.
The Effects of Background Music on Memory Retention of Elementary School Students. This paper is accepted for both paper and poster session in the ISME World Congress in July 16-21, 2006. Co-author of Shih-Hung Lin and Chu-Hsun Kuo.
Influence of Special Music Programs in public schools in Taiwan on students’ achievement and attitude. Invited research paper for the Oregon Music Educator Conference in Eugene, Oregon, January 2004.
Accuracy of Pitch and Intervals in Echo Singing and Xylophone Playing: Comparison of Performances by 8 and 10-year-olds from Taiwan and USA. Invited research paper for the Northwestern MENC conference in Portland, Oregon, in February 2003.
A Comparison of Talented and Gifted Music Education in Taiwan and the United States. Invited research paper for the Oregon State Music Educator Conference in Eugene, Oregon, in January 2002.
A Comparison of Music Teacher Education in the United States and Taiwan. Invited research paper for the Northwestern MENC conference in Spokane, Washington, in February 2001.