
Journal ArticlesBooksChapters in BooksConference ProceedingsResearch ProjectConference Presentation

●Chapters in Books:

  1. Chen, J. (2023). Current status of music education in Taiwan. In Ogawa, Masafumi (Eds.), Music Education (pp. 200-201). Japan: Minervashobo Book. ISBN: 978-4-623-09489-9
  2. Chen, H. S. (2021). Development of teaching materials and strategies in curriculum of Arts domain. In Cheng, M. H. (Ed.), Teaching materials and strategies in Elementary Arts domain (pp.21-33). Taipei: Wu-Nan. ISBN: 978-986546-1805
  3. Chen, H. S., & Cai, X. R. (2020). Design and technique of teaching creativity in music. In Cai, X. R. (Ed), Micro-teaching of Music (pp.240-270). Beijing: Higher Education Publishing. ISBN: 978-7-04-053916-5
  4. Chen, J. H. S. (2020). What music is about? In Kuo, F. L. (Ed.), In Dialogue (pp. 107-110). Taichung: Taiwan Orff Association. ISBN: 978-986-87029-2-9
  5. Chiang, Y. Y., Liu, C. H., Yang, Y. M., Chen, H. S. (2019). Integrating life education and learning community: System of course observation in Freshman Language Art in NTCU. In Center for General Education, Da-Yeh University (Ed.), Deep Plowing and Innovation of University General Education (p. 85-99). Changhwa: Da-Yeh University. ISBN: 978-986-95507-2-7
  6. Chen, J. H. S., Cheng, M. H., & Li, C. C. (2018). Foreseeing the Future: Arts Education and Research in Taiwan. In IJdens, T., Bolden, B., & Wagner, E. (Eds), International Yearbook for Research in Arts Education (Vol.5) (2017). Arts Education around the World: Comparative Research Seven Years after the Seoul Agenda (pp. 239-241). Muster, Germany: Waxmann. ISBN: 978-3-8309-3797-5
  7. Chen, H. S. (2017). Design your own general education course: Project-based elective course in general education. In Center for General Education, National Taiwan University of Technology (Ed.), Walking into Interdisciplinary and Autonomous Learning General Education (p. 25-30). Taipei: Wu-Nan. ISBN: 978-957-11-9503-2
  8. Chen, H. S. (2015). Music Preference Profiles of College Students﹝大學生音樂偏好圖像﹞. In Shi, H. M., & Yen, Y. J. (Ed.), Theses of Arts Education: 60 years in Taiwan (pp. 207-223). ISBN: 978-986-04-6798-7  GNP: 1010402736
  9. Chen, H. S. (2015). Discourse on differentiate music teaching from perspective of social responsibility. In Shu-Wen Wu (Ed), Multisensory experiential learning to music teaching materials and methods in elementary and secondary schools (pp. 17-30). Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University. ISBN: 978-986-04-4689-0 GNP: 1010400483

Journal ArticlesBooksChapters in BooksConference ProceedingsResearch ProjectConference Presentation